Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Our Tuesday...thank you for praying!!

Jonathan spent the morning tutoring some boys in math.  He enjoyed getting to know the boys more personally.  After 2.5 hours with them, he said it felt like ten minutes.  Here are photos from our afternoon...today was wonderful.

These boys are ready for the activity.

After a coloring contest, we taught them to fold paper footballs and to play table football.

A couple of boys were still coloring.  They take this very seriously and are very conscientious.  

We are folding footballs.

Daddy/daughter time

Nick (one of the KJ's...another missionary family here) playing drums with two boys.

This is Meshach, and this is just too cool.  He is quiet and not as outgoing as the other boys, but he is quite talented.  He won the coloring contest and is a good math student.  Jonathan is helping me with this post, and I didn't know any of this until just now.  

Hannah hitching a ride on a boda boda.  She could be Kenyan.
We may lose her to this place when she gets older.  

Another photo...this was the highlight of her day!

Connor hitching a ride!

Here's another pic of Connor on the boda boda riding past the shamba (garden).

Carolina girls...best in the world :-)

Jonathan on a boda boda.  He is larger and heavier than his driver!

Jonathan teaching the boys to dribble a basketball.

Craziness always breaks out near a camera!

Loved the drums in the background during our playtime.

This is Crazy Michael...quite the ham!

Two peas in a pod and their new friends.

Sampson and Jonathan, Jr.

more crazies

Ringing the bell for Ugi time!!

Kenyan ninjas

Hannah was the ugi time entertainment.

Kids in line for "sweets".  This man from Kisumu visited today to bring a treat to the boys.

This was almost as good as movie night at Aunt Beth's, except it was during the day and there was no popcorn.  They did have termites, ugi, and biscuits (cookies) for snack during the day though.

This is a gate near Agape.  Notice the top of the wall.  You can see it more closely in the next picture.

Instead of using barbed wire or spikes, all over the city, these walls are protected by broken pieces of glass held in place by concrete.  Crazy and beautiful at the same time.  I have a thing for colored glass.

Daddy, do you remember seeing this Coca Cola stand on Google Earth??  There are actually several around the city so I'm not sure if it's the exact one.  Hoping to get a picture of a butchery too.  There are several very close to the Pages home.

Here's some pre-dinner wall-climbing fun!

Here's a huge snail trying to get into the house!  

There you have it...our Tuesday.  Thank you for following our trip here and for praying for us.  Every day is very humbling!  Can anyone let us know how the Southside team in India is doing?

1 comment:

  1. Yall look like ur having so much fun! I can see the joy in your eyes.. tell Michael he has pretty teeth!
