Monday, March 26, 2012

"Adventure Shoes" by Guest Blogger: JP, Jr.

My Uncle Brent suggested that I help my parents with the blog.  So, here it goes.
My little sister, Rachel, got some Keens for her birthday, but she calls them Adventure Shoes. Whenever Rachel got some adventure shoes everybody else wanted some. So my Mom and Dad got everybody some adventure shoes. They are great for hiking, water, and mud.  They are a lot cooler than tennis shoes, because there are holes on the sides.  We wear them about every day. I am really excited about going to Africa.

Welcome! We are obviously new at this...

Our brains are scattered these days...praying, making lists, vaccinations, packing, praying some more, teaching, learning, soliciting prayer, etc.  You get the point.  Thoughts are bouncing around in my head like the dots on this page.  We are more focused in our purpose and goals as a family than ever, but with new resolve comes many challenges and changes!  The six of us will be travelling to Kisumu, Kenya in exactly two weeks.  We will be living with friends, ministering to the staff and boys of Agape, growing as a family closer to Christ, and making new friends.  

This is the trip of a lifetime and we hope you follow our journey and keep in touch while we're away.  Jonathan and I decided this will be in the best way (following the footsteps of the Pages) to keep family and friends updated with pictures, prayer requests, and random knowledge about our experience.  We hope you keep in touch! 

Please feel free to follow the Pages blog.