Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hippo Point

Are you ready to see some beautiful photos??  Here's a look at our morning at Hippo Point on Lake Victoria.  We hopped in a boat with a tiny outboard motor, a guide named Titus, and two families looking for a Sunday morning adventure.  The tour began at 6:30am and was supposed to last just over an hour, so we would be back in time for church at Agape.  Unfortunately, not long into the sightseeing, our motor would not restart!  We were stranded for about 45 minutes and decided to worship in the middle of the lake, since we would not make it to church.  It made a beautiful venue to worship our Creator!!  Enjoy...

Boats at Sunrise

View as we departed

Weaver Birds

Weaver Bird nests

Papyrus trees:  If you have seen the movie "The Lorax", now you see where Dr. Seuss got his inspiration for the trufulla trees.  He wrote the book during a trip to Africa.

Fisherman dragging in their colorful nets after a long evening of fishing


These hippos were very close to our boat when we were broken down.  Of course we repeatedly discussed how they were the deadliest animal in all of Africa!

Here's our rescue boat towing us back to shore.  True story:  when the boat pulled up, someone said, "we are rescued"!  Hannah then asks, "rescued from what"?  She had no idea that we were stranded for 45 minutes waiting for help.  Love that girl!!  Wonder where she gets that great, carefree (absent-minded) quality??

We continued our tour on the new working boat.  Hannah and Connor never mind posing for a picture!

A beautiful boat

We are too lazy to look this up, but it's some kind of African bird.  Duh...
After finding the motivation, we discovered this is the Greater Egret.

At this moment, the kids were more than likely having a heated debate over whose turn it was to sit up front.  Looks like the older boys won.

Samuel and Seth's turn up front

Another African bird...please forgive me for all of the technical scientific terms.
The zoologist in JP determined that this is the black-headed heron.

Pied Kingfisher

 JP, Jr. took a rest during the early morning boat ride.

Local fishing community returning to shore after a long night fishing

Thousands of caterpillars covered these trees.

These caterpillars were only out where we could see them, because it was early morning.  Our guide Titus told us that during the day, they hide from birds.  During the night, they "scurry" (according to JP) up the tree to eat the leaves.

Looking through these pictures floods my mind with wonderful memories.
Please pray for our family if you have a chance.  Since the moment we touched down at RDU (literally when the seat belt sign went off at the terminal) our family has been fighting a stomach bug.  We are all pretty wiped out.  Thought we were over it yesterday, but "Kisumu's Revenge" reared it's ugly head again through the night.  Hope to be better by this weekend.  We really want to share our experience with our church family on Sunday.  Thank you!


  1. Praying for you and your sweet family:-)

  2. praying you guys get to feeling better. excited to hear all about your adventures.

  3. What an amazingly precious job ya'll did in sharing this with us! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Hugs! KW

  4. Kathy,
    This is awsome and inspiration it was like looking through the eyes of Jesus Christ! Thank you for sharing this experience.
    Marie Jacobs
